Lorraine Ansell - chronic pain patient talks about Dr Valentina Buscemi and her pain management therapy...
Lorraine learns about Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and reads a new book with lots of techniques....
Lorraine is a seasoned traveller and even with a chronic illness has figured out a few things that make travelling more cosy and safe....
Over the past few years I have been working on learning about my conditions and especially the pain I am in. At my Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome diagnosis the rheumatologist broke the news to me that I was in fact in pain and had been from a young age. But as a human being that doesn’t scream...
Lorraine Ansell takes a look at why Diagnosis is so necessary for those with chronic conditions.She lists five points that are very important....
The one where Lorraine Ansell finds purpose in her pain. And learns that movement is essential even with a chronic condition....
Lorraine Ansell finds out that having hEDS has given her a chance to look at change a new - the waiting in the wings before real change...
What does pain actually look like? Well before you decide read about me and my journey with pain....